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  3. Command™ Projects
  4. Create a Wall Collage
Create a Wall Collage

Create a Wall Collage

Command™ Brand Team

You've seen them in home decorating magazines and on television, now you can create your own - without an interior decorator, tools or wall damage!

Materials needed:

  • - Command™ Picture Hanging Strips

    - Framed pictures

    - Free wall space

    NOTE: Follow all Command™ Brand package instructions for proper surface cleaning and prep, adhesive strip placement and recommended weight claims.

  • Materials Needed


  • 1. Attach Command™ Picture Hanging Strips or Hangers to the backs of your frames. Follow package instructions for strip placement and weight recommendations.

  • Step 1
  • 2. On the floor in front of the empty wall space, lay down your frames in the pattern you’d like on your wall. Clean your wall surface as per the package directions - no household cleaning products.

  • Step 2
  • 3. Starting with a middle picture and working your way out, begin attaching your pictures to the wall, following your pre-planned pattern. Remove frame from the bottom and press on the strips for 30 seconds. Wait one hour before re-hanging frames.

  • Step 3
  • 4. Crooked picture? No problem! Just detach the picture from the wall, adjust and re-hang.

  • Step 4
picture_hanging wall_decor gallery_wall decorating picture_hanging_strips